Cool Stuff / Explore the Gouda · March 27, 2023

Five Fantastic Non-Food Finds At The Greater Gouda

Sure, when you think of The Greater Gouda, you think of cheeses, deli and charcuterie meats, and other exceptional gourmet foods. But we have more than just food. Stop in and pick up one of the amazing non-edible items today!

Protect the environment from your kitchen with Bees Wrap!

You’ve cut back on over-packaged products and you recycle your cardboard boxes and plastic shopping bags, but the film wrap used to cover that onion or plastic bag for those chopped peppers still goes into the landfill. Bee’s Wrap changes that.

Founded by Sara Kaeck, who took her inspiration from bees, nature’s most productive and protective foodies, Bee’s Wrap is made from pieces of organic cotton infused with a blend of bee’s wax, plant oil and tree resin to create a reusable, naturally antimicrobial, self-adhering food wrap. Seal it around food, over a bowl, or even make a bag out of it using only the heat of your hand. Rinse and repeat. It’s that easy.

Just one pack of Bee’s Wrap can prevent 1,667 sq. feet of plastic from entering the oceans and landfills. If everyone in America swapped their plastic wrap for Bee’s wrap, a staggering 4.8 million acres of plastic would be eliminated. And with all the different sizes and types, there’s a Bee’s Wrap that works for you.

More Planet Saving with TruEarth Laundry Detergent.

A couple years ago, Terri saw ads for a new kind of laundry detergent, promising clean clothes without the weight or bulk or mess of liquid in plastic jugs. But big-box stores weren’t carrying anything like that. So, after some research into the different brands, The Greater Gouda began carrying TruEarth Laundry Detergent.

The little detergent strips (about half the size of a bookmark) not only pack a full load of cleaning power, but they also dissolve completely, work in all washing machines, and are hypoallergenic. A 32-strip pack comes in a compostable cardboard envelope and eliminates a plastic jug from ending up in a landfill. Plus, being manufactured in Canada rather than China, the detergent is subject to stringent health regulations and uses fewer energy resources to reach you.

Many of our customers have tried TruEarth Laundry Detergent over the past two years and are hooked. So do something that’s good for the Earth AND easier on yourself. Try TruEarth Laundry Detergent.

Locally made, high-end gift – a Leather Wine Carrier

Gorgeous leather, beautiful designs, and fun colors. Those all describe the wine bottle holders made by BBK Leather, right here in Delaware. These make great gifts but if you need an excuse to buy one for yourself, Terri carries her water bottle in one to remind her to drink more. Adjust the strap to fit your shoulder, slide the bottle in, and off you go!

If you’d like to see what else BBK Leathers makes, check out their website. We love supporting local artists.

Unique, Locally Made Charcuterie Boards

And speaking of local, Dan Stultz, our backyard neighbor makes stunning wooden serving boards. Much of the wood is from local trees, and no two boards are alike. Some have live edges, some have finished edges, and every one of them is gorgeous. They’re great for charcuterie or any other food you’d like displayed on a wooden piece of art.

Since each piece is unique, you never know what we’ll have. And if you find one you love, we recommend buying it, because it won’t be around for long.

BOSKA Mini Cheese Slicer

The slicers we use to give samples are one of our best-selling non-food items. Customers ask us for them almost daily. Unfortunately, these mini slicers fell victim to the reduced production of the pandemic and have not been available to us for two years. Finally, they’re back!

Why do we use Boska Mini slicers? They’re sharp to slide easily through hard or sticky cheese. Just as important, they stay sharp. Boska guarantees they will maintain their edge for 10 years of normal use. We’ve used some of ours every day, over and over, for seven years and they’re still going strong.

We have the mini slicers in stock., but you better hurry – we only received 48 of them!